FAQ - Your questions, our answers

Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about our products and services. Our aim is to help you quickly and easily. If you still have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.

Does the ticket cost more if I buy it directly on the alex?

No, the ticket is available from our customer advisor at no extra charge. Please speak to our customer advisor directly after boarding to purchase a ticket.

What payment options are available when I buy a ticket directly on the train?

  • Cash payment
  • Cashless payment (giro and credit card) is possible when purchasing tickets. However, there is no entitlement.

Where can I buy tickets in advance?

You can buy tickets from our agencies along the route or directly online.

Is the Bayern-Ticket or BahnCard valid on the alex?

Yes, the Bayern-Ticket is valid for journeys within Bavaria.

Yes, the BahnCard is valid on the alex. Please note: the BahnCard is not valid for journeys within a transport association, e.g. VLC, RVV and MVV.

Can I also buy tickets for the ICE?

Our customer advisors can sell you tickets for most destinations on German regional services. On ICE trains, you only have to pay the ICE surcharge.

Where can I get information about the Deutschland-Ticket?

We offer the Deutschland-Ticket digitally for smartphones with a barcode. You can find more information at netinera-tickets.de.

The following NETINERA Group companies offer the Deutschland-Ticket in digital form via the NETINERA-Tickets app: erixx, ODEG, enno, metronom, vlexx, as well as Die Länderbahn with its brands alex, oberpfalzbahn, trilex, vogtlandbahn and waldbahn.

Is it possible to reserve a seat in the alex?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to reserve a seat.

Can bicycles be transported?

Yes, there are multi-purpose areas in the alex where up to six bicycles can be transported. Wheelchairs and baby carriages have priority. Further information can be found under our services.

Do I have to register as a group of more than 21 people?

For better planning, we kindly ask you to register at least 21 people at our customer center at least 7 working days before departure. In addition, there is the option of purchasing a group ticket with a discount of up to 50 percent of the normal retail price for groups of 6 or more. Please purchase this in advance from one of our agencies.

What is important when transporting dogs on the alex?

Dogs subject to a charge (in accordance with TBB-ALEX-VBG) may be taken on board provided they are kept on a lead and wear a suitable muzzle. Animals are not allowed to sit directly on the seats. Further information on taking dogs on board.

Who should I contact if I've forgotten something on the alex?

It is best if you use our online form and provide a brief description of the lost item. We will then contact you as soon as the item has been found.

Do I receive compensation for train delays?

The new European regulation on rail passengers' rights and obligations has been in force since June 7, 2023. This means that uniform passenger rights apply in Germany and Europe. They guarantee passengers the same rights with all railroad companies and apply to all trains, regardless of which railroad company they are operated by.

These passenger rights only apply to rail transport. This includes all trains, from the S-Bahn to the ICE. There is no entitlement to compensation for delays that occur when using subway trains, streetcars, buses or cab companies. In this case, please contact the relevant transport company. Further regulations may apply for journeys in transport associations and in the area of validity of state tariffs.

These passenger rights are conclusive claims due to delays or cancellations of trains. For example, reaching an appointment on time is not covered by the contract of carriage. The railroad undertakings involved in the transportation are jointly liable for passenger rights to compensation, reimbursement and reimbursement of expenses, provided that only one contract of carriage was concluded for the transportation service.

You can find a complete description of passenger rights on the Internet at www.fahrgastrechte.info

Please use our online form to assert your claims.

Who decides when and with how many train carriages our alex runs?

Our alex trains operate on the basis of ordered transport services that are contractually regulated with Bayerische Eisenbahngesellschaft (BEG) as the responsible public transport authority. Our fleet is designed for the originally ordered mileage and often cannot be expanded at short notice. Platform lengths also limit the train length and thus the seating capacity.