We bring together what belongs together

Sie haben auf Ihrer Reise mit dem alex etwas verloren oder vergessen? Wir helfen Ihnen gerne, es wiederzufinden!

Bitte geben Sie uns im Formular eine kurze Beschreibung und Ihre Kontaktdaten an. Sobald wir Ihren verlorenen Gegenstand gefunden haben, werden wir uns mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen, um die Einzelheiten der Rückgabe zu besprechen.

FAQ - Your questions, our answers

How long does it take for a lost and found to arrive at the lost and found office?

Our in-house logistics team regularly travels to all registration centers and brings the found items to the relevant lost property warehouse. In exceptional cases, however, it may take longer for the item to arrive at the lost and found office.

My lost item has been found. Where can I pick it up?

You can collect the item from our head office in Schwandorf (by appointment only).

Is there a fee for collecting the lost property?

No. The service is free of charge.

Do you also send lost property?

At alex is it possible to send lost property up to a certain size (up to parcel size L) within Germany.

How long are found items kept?

All found objects are kept for six months. The retention period ends after six months. Depending on the type of item, we will then dispose of these items in accordance with data protection regulations, donate them or dispose of them in another way.

How can I contact the lost and found office?

The lost and found office can only be contacted by e-mail: fundbuero@laenderbahn.com

How long should I wait after sending the online lost and found report before contacting the lost and found office?

Due to the high processing volume, we kindly ask you to refrain from inquiring about lost property. We will contact you as soon as we have recovered your lost item.

I can locate my cell phone/laptop. Can I drive to the location to pick up my item?

When our train staff find a lost item, they follow our established process, i.e. the lost item is registered and taken to the reporting center. Our in-house logistics team regularly travels to all reporting centers and brings the found items to the relevant lost property warehouse. Passengers are not permitted to enter the registration center or the lost property warehouse. For this reason, lost property is only collected after notification and agreement.