Travelling with a group

21 persons or more

Please register your group of 21 or more people at least 7 working days before the trip using our form. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible. Requests for group travel are possible a maximum of three months in advance.

  • Capacity utilization on our alex trains has been high recently. For larger groups, we recommend booking trips on Monday to Wednesday when passenger numbers are lower.
  • For groups of 21 people or more, we cannot provide specific confirmation for a connection. However, please indicate your planned journey to support our operations.
  • We ask for your understanding that we cannot make any binding train reinforcements for group bookings. Our fleet is designed for the originally ordered capacity and cannot be expanded at short notice. Platform lengths also limit the train length and thus the seating capacity.

    Group registration

    Security question:
    Which month is between July and September?
    Mit Setzen des Hakens erkläre ich mich mit folgendem einverstanden: Die von mir erhobenen Daten dürfen für die Bearbeitung meiner Anfrage elektronisch erhoben und gespeichert werden und die Länderbahn darf bezüglich meiner Anfrage mit mir in Kontakt treten. Diese Einwilligung kann jederzeit mit einer Nachricht an uns widerrufen werden. Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie der Datenschutzerklärung.
    * = Required field